Oh, Yippeee! Exercise!

I bought the cutest bike! It is so nice! It is pink and kind of retro looking, a cruiser bike with Shimano Derailleaur gears (don't know what that is but it sounds expensive). I found it onsale at Target and fought to get it in the back of my car. It barely fit but I was determined to get it home and ride it.

The bike represents the kind of exercise I like. I like exercise that is fun and doesn't seem like exercise. I like to be outside, wind in the hair, listening to the 70's station on XM...that is exercise I can believe in!

Exercise is the next step on my plan to self improvement. I feel so good when I am doing it, good after it's done but getting off the computer and going out to exercise is the challenge. That is why the blog today is a little late for my AM bike ride. I need to get out before it gets hot. So I am off to tool around my neighborhood. Like all the other steps in the plan, exercise will be one day at a time! However, this will be THREE days in a row and its a start. Like this post? Please share it, bookmark it or leave a comment.
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