The Best Thing About New Years

The best thing about New Years Day is that it gives us a reason to take stock of where we have been. This year is special because it is the end of a decade.

Ten years ago I was still in my apartment. I still weighed 347 pounds and had yet to visit Rocky Peak. I had just started working at HealthNet and school wasn't even on the radar. I was miserable and lonely. I didn't really know much about myself.

It is amazing how much things can change in 10 years. I am living with a wonderful roommate, I have been out of health insurance and back again and I am grounded in my faith. I am 100 pounds lighter and have restarted my education, going back to school so I can become an RN.

I have also learned a lot about myself in the years between 34 and 44. I have learned I a heart for volunteering, dogs and God. I learned only you can permit others to disrespect and take advantage of you. I have learned happiness comes from things that aren't material. I became a better person.

The best part of New Years day is taking a look at where we have been because this allows us to also think about where we are going. It allows us to see the best is yet to come.

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